
Digital payments in India

  Digital Payments in India: Definition, Methods, and Importance DECEMBER 8, 2020     12 MINS READ The world has been moving towards all things digital for some time now. However, the year 2020 put into perspective the dire need to adapt to digital technology as soon as possible. This adaptation happened almost instantly with the lockdown coming into effect, especially for  digital payments in India . The Indian government has been promoting and propagating online payments aggressively, starting with demonetization back in 2016. ‘Digital India’ had been the guiding force of many economic and financial decisions that pushed Indians to switch to online payments. According to ,  the Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India.“Faceless, Paperless, Cashless” is one of the professed roles of Digital India.  Read this blog to know all about digital payments and learn how you can adopt this revolutionary sy...